Test cards – MagTek InSpec 9000 User Manual

Page 19

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Section 2. Installation


Insert the cleaning card into the Tester with the fabric side up (shiny side down) and
press Clean Unit.


The cleaning card will move in and out of the Tester three times. When completed,
follow the prompt:

Remove card and press OK to continue.


The next prompt will be:

Insert Card Fabric Side DOWN!

Turn the cleaning card over and insert it into the Tester with the fabric side down (shiny
side up).


The cleaning card will move in and out of the Tester three times.


Remove and discard the card.


Wait approximately 2 minutes before performing card analysis.
This will allow the unit to dry and thereby prevent damage to the
magnetic stripe to the next cards to be analyzed.


Two test cards are shipped with each unit for the purpose of verifying that the Tester is within
tolerance. Each card has a serial number on the face. The values that should appear when a test
card is inserted into the Tester are also listed on the InSpec 9000 Test Card Report that is
shipped with each unit. The cards are listed on the Report by serial number. Use the cards as


Insert a sample production card that is out of ISO specifications; that is, a card that shows
yellow or red bars on the ISO Parameters screen when it is inserted into the Tester. (See
Section 3, Operation and Section 4, Graphics Presentations.)


Insert a MagTek test card into the Tester, and check the ISO Parameters screen. All the
bars on the screen should be green for the test card. If there is any doubt about the
validity of the test, check the values of the test card on the screen against the InSpec 9000
Test Card Report. The values should be approximately the same*. Both should be
within tolerance. Compare the production card with the Test Card.

*Tolerances for the test cards are as follows:

Average Amplitude =

± 15%

Start Sentinel =

± 0.007 inch

Average Bit Size =

± 2%