MagTek InSpec 9000 User Manual
Page 6

Product Information
The InSpec 9000 Encoded Card Tester is a real-time, continuous feedback, production line card tester.
Because the parameters that appear on the screen are color coded, and warning screens advise when a
card “MAY NOT BE READABLE IN THE FIELD,” the tester is relatively easy to operate. The Tester
is intended to be a reliable instrument of in-line testing that does not require a technician or an engineer
to operate; nor does it require extensive technical knowledge of magnetics to operate and to interpret the
parameters on the screen. The InSpec 9000 Tester is designed to complement the more expensive,
highly complex, precision, laboratory test equipment. MagTek recommends that out-of-spec cards
from the Tester should be confirmed periodically by an independent laboratory.
Because the InSpec 9000 is a cost-effective tradeoff compared with a precision laboratory test unit,
some policy judgment is required to interpret ISO limits and the machine tolerances or “measurement
uncertainty.” ISO limits and measurement uncertainties are listed in Section 3, Figure 3-11, and
examples are shown in Section 4, Figures 4-2 and 4-3. Measurement uncertainty for average amplitude,
average bit size, and start sentinel are concerns of management for acceptance or rejection of cards. If
these parameters are centered on the screen between minimum and maximum limits (centered in the
green), the card will be acceptable even if the measurement uncertainty is worst case. If these
parameters are near maximum or minimum limits when worst case measurement uncertainty is
projected, the following precautions should be considered: the Tester should be checked; the sample
may need to be expanded; or the cards may need to be physically checked to ensure they are clean and
flat. Ultimately, judgment is required, and a policy decision should be in place for the operator.
The screen may also warn of two other parameters that concern noise detection: Added Pulse Detection
and Wave Form Distortion. Tests of these parameters are critical in HiCo material testing. Exceeding
the ISO limit by even a small percentage may affect read reliability. Since these two parameters are
characteristic of the magnetic stripe and not encoding, issuers who have prequalified their stripes at a
testing laboratory will rarely see this warning. If the warning appears frequently, sample cards should
be sent to a testing laboratory for investigation and confirmation of the absolute values for the added
pulse and waveform conditions.
For accurate card reading, normal preventive maintenance is the guideline. Consult the following:
Card size and thickness (Section 1, Specifications)
Card and Tester Cleaning (Section 2, Cleaning)
Calibration (Section 3, Calibration and Verification)
For corrective maintenance, consult Section 5, Troubleshooting and Appendix D, Error Messages.