Parameters, Figure 3-8. added pulse detected – MagTek InSpec 9000 User Manual

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Section 3. Operation


Figure 3-8. Added Pulse Detected

The Noise Detection window will appear if the threshold for either “added pulse detected” or
“waveform distortion” is exceeded. This window will also appear if the threshold is exceeded
because of the combination of effects from both added pulse and waveform. This test is critical
in HiCo material testing. Exceeding this ISO limit by even a small percentage may affect read

The ISO standards identify these two parameters, added pulse and waveform, associated with the
magnetic stripe. ISO standards 7811-2 and 7811-6 describe limits for added pulse while only
7811-6 (the HiCo document) describes waveform. Since added pulse and waveform are
characteristics of the magnetic stripe and not encoding, issuers who have prequalified their
stripes at a testing laboratory will see this window very rarely.


False Added Pulses may be caused by physical damage to the
card, such as a scratch.

If this window occurs frequently, sample cards should be sent to an independent testing
laboratory requesting the absolute value of the added pulse and waveform conditions.


When a card is read, the Tester checks six important ISO parameters, which are presented
graphically, and color coded as green, yellow, and red. Figure 3-9 illustrates this concept. There
are parameters for two types of cards: one for new cards and one for used cards. New cards are
cards that have been encoded but have not been used. Used cards are cards that have been
encoded and issued, and usually used in practical applications, and returned for testing.

As shown in the illustration, the parameters are tested for Tracks 1, 2, and 3 of the magnetic
stripe. Notice that the amplitude in Track 1 is a red bar (simulated here, but red on the screen).
This indicates to the operator that the card is out of spec for both new and used cards. In all
three tracks the bit size and the adjacent bits are yellow. This indicates that the card is out of
spec for new cards but in spec for used cards. All other bars on the illustration are green, in spec
for both new and used cards.