0 data preparation, 1 convert raw data to xtf, 2 create svp, tide & squat xml files – Triton Bathymetry User Manual
Page 7: 1 sound velocity profile xml files

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Select the preferred BAG file version (or leave default selection) and set the file path to
the correct location as shown here: C:\BAG_StyleSheets\configdata14 (or configdata11)
3.0 Data Preparation
The first step to processing data in Perspective is to prepare the raw data.
3.1 Convert Raw Data to XTF
Perspective currently only reads raw data formatted as XTF files. Data collected in raw
sonar formats (.all, s7k, etc.) can be converted using stand-alone applications
To convert from other formats we have a several converters on our website at:
Some of the sonar manufacturers have their own converter so please contact us if you
have difficulty finding the converter you need.
3.2 Create SVP, Tide & Squat XML Files
Perspective uses the XML format for storing and reading information. Before processing
bathymetry data it is important to create XML files for reading in the tide data, sound
velocity profiles (SVPs), and squat table. To launch the XML Utilities application, click on
the toolbar button
shown right.
The XML Utilities application allows
users to convert their raw tide gauge
or sound velocity data files to XML
format. If vessel squat is known,
this dialog can also convert a squat
table to XML format. These XML
files will be used in the processing
wizard discussed later.
3.2.1 Sound Velocity Profile XML Files
From the
menu in the XML Utilities application, select the
Open SVP file
option to
convert raw data downloaded from a sound velocity profiler into XML format.