Triton Bathymetry User Manual
Page 42

Page 38
4. Processing QC Tool: To gain a better confidence in the results from data processing
it can be useful to grid the same dataset twice, once using the CUBE algorithm and
again with the standard DTM algorithm, then compare the results with the A-B
Below is an example of an A-B grid of a wreck gridded first with CUBE and then as a
DTM using the ‘minimum’ depth value in each grid cell. Looking at the image we can
see in the area of the wreck there was a significant difference in the depth
solutions provided by the different gridding methods. The included bathy profile
over one of the wreck sections shows how the DTM surface varies from the CUBE
surface. Areas where there is a difference between the two gridding methods
should be reviewed in more detail with the Swath or 3D editor.