9 processing results – Triton Bathymetry User Manual
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5.1.9 Processing Results
A few things will happen during processing of the multibeam data.
1. GSF files: As mentioned in the “Note” in section 5.1.5, a byproduct of processing in
Perspective is the generation of GSF files for each
imported data file. GSF files contain fully processed
sounding data and are placed in a subfolder in the same
directory as the grid file as shown right.
2. HTF files: The Ancillary Options page of the BathyOne wizard discussed in Section
5.1.4 includes an option to create HTF files. These are also placed in the subfolder
in the same directory as the grid file as shown above.
3. QC layers: On the first page of the BathyOne processing
wizard, if the options for creating density, standard
deviation, and IHO compliance layers are selected, these will
be created in the same directory as the depth grid using the
same file name but with a different extension as shown right.
The density grid indicates how many soundings were inside each grid cell and
contributed to the depth value. The standard deviation layer indicates how much
variation exists in each cell from the mean value. The IHO compliance layer
indicates whether that grid cell passes the selected IHO order based on the
horizontal uncertainty, the vertical uncertainty and the water depth.
4. Grid file: The first page of the BathyOne wizard allows the user to select which
gridding method to use. The two options are:
a. DTM – computes the value of the grid cell based on the encoding method
selected: min, max, average, first, or last (see Section 5.1.3).
b. CUBE – uses a statistical approach to determine which soundings contribute
to each cell and uses a weighting factor to
determine the most likely value for the depth
in each cell.
5. File Tree: Once the grid files are created they are
automatically loaded into Perspective under the
Imagery file tree node.