2 gsf, 3 xyz, 4 bag – Triton Bathymetry User Manual

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HTF files are created in the same folder as the GSF files, in a subdirectory where the
grid file was written to, with the name of the subfolder matching the grid file name.

9.2 GSF

For every raw data file included in a grid, a GSF (Generic Sensor Format) file is always
created during the gridding process. The GSF file contains all of the bathymetry
soundings from the raw data file but with their positions fully corrected for motion, SVP,
and tides. With the full data density preserved in the GSF file, vertical structures are
best viewed with sounding data rather than gridded data which only keeps one depth value
per grid cell.

It is important to note that the GSF files are what are passed to the Swath and 3D
editors for changing the beam flag of the selected soundings. After editing the grid file
must be rebuilt with the

Rebuild Using


Edit GSF Using

right-click options in order to

apply the new beam flags in the GSF to the gridded data.

9.3 XYZ

Once gridded the bathymetry data can be exported to an XYZ data file by right-clicking
on the grid file in the DTM or CUBE file tree and selecting the XYZ export option. This
will export an ASCII file of the entire bathymetry grid in the selected projection.

9.4 BAG

Gridded bathymetry data
can be exported to a BAG
file by right-clicking on
the grid file in the DTM
or CUBE file tree and
selecting the BAG export
option. Some of the
settings shown right are
required to enter before
exporting. Note it is also
important to choose which
BAG format (1.1 or 1.4) and to select the correct BAG style sheets directory to use.