3 gridding of soundings – Triton Bathymetry User Manual
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5.1.3 Gridding of Soundings
Sets the grid resolution, encoding method, and fill and smooth filters. A checkbox exists
Constrain to map view
which allows the user to try different processing parameters on
small areas quickly to determine what gives the best results before spending the time to
process the entire data set. Shown below is an example of typical settings:
A couple things to note:
Bathy Encoding: Only applies to DTM grids. The CUBE algorithm uses a statistical
approach to determine what value to use.
Depth Limit: If working in water greater than 2000m depth, make sure to indicate
this by selecting the >2000m option.
Constrain: Limits the extent of the grid file to either the map view extent, a
polygon (imported DXF or drawn annotation), or automatically removes line turns.
Smooth Filter: This needs to be used with caution as it will “smooth” the data as
the name implies; good for presentations but not for navigation purposes!