7 svp processing – Triton Bathymetry User Manual

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The example on the previous page indicates all beam flagged as “Bad” will be ignored, the
outside angle will be limited to 70 degrees for both port and starboard, with a depth range
from 1 to 27 meters. Also the depth range indicated uses "all z-offsets" which means it is
corrected to true depth and is not the depth below the transducer.

Be careful with the Gradient filter as it will remove
vertical structures such as ship masts from the
processed results!

There is another tab on this page for the user to limit
the soundings used when creating a grid by setting
valid ranges for motion data. For example the roll
limit can be set to 20 degrees so whenever the vessel
roll exceeds 20 degrees the data is considered not
valid and will be excluded from the results.

5.1.7 SVP Processing

This is where the XML file created earlier from the raw sound velocity data can be

The example shown right is
using a single SVP file,
however a folder of files can
be selected if available.

If a sound velocity file is not
available it is possible to use
a single value representing
the mean velocity based on
the available data.

Also if there are no offsets
entered or vessel geometry
file used, the "User Entered
Draft for SVP" option allows
the user to set where in the SVP file to start based on how deep the sonar is below the
water surface.