Triton Bathymetry User Manual
Page 34

Page 30
Used for removing soundings within a defined polygon area
Will show soundings marked as “bad” by beam suppression filters during gridding
Used for restoring soundings within a defined polygon area
Allows the user hide selected lines from 3D display
Unloads changed beam flags on save/exit, must be selected before saving!
Saves the revised beam flags to the GSF files for each line and closes
A few important items to note regarding the 3D editor:
In order to use the 3D editor it requires a separate installation of the software.
The install is fairly large so we kept it out of the main install for sidescan and
subbottom users who are not interested in bathymetry editing.
Once installed it is necessary to tell Perspective where the files were installed.
3D Editor Setup Notes
Instructions for installing the PFM Area Based Editor
There are two items to install: MinGW and PFM Area Based Editor
Choose the correct installation – either 32bit or 64bit depending on your
Windows Operating system
After unzipping first install MinGW: You MUST install MinGW to the C:\MinGW
folder, the install defaults to that folder and will create it if it does not exist.
Then install PFM Area Based Editor.
Using the editor in Triton Perspective
Start Perspective and click View>Settings Info…
Select the Area Editor tab and browse to the location of the PFM_ABE
For a 64bit system: C:\Program Files\PFM_ABEv6.3.1_Public_Windows_64\bin
For a 32bit system: C:\Program Files\PFM_ABEv6.3.1_Public_Windows_32\bin