Ask Proxima 9100 User Manual
Page 103

Quick Start i-4
connecting video and audio i-9
connecting your computer i-8
setting up the projector i-5
turning on the projector i-9
rear projection 2-7
recessed carrying handle 1-4
remote mouse tracking 2-8
Replace Lamp indicator i-11
Replacement Parts B-1
Return Material Authorization
Number 6-12
Reverse key i-11, 2-2
reverse video 3-9
S-Video-1/2 1-7
See-it/Show it i-11, 2-2, 4-6
sense lines 1-9
definition C-1
Macintosh displays C-2
Setting up the projector i-5
Setup key i-11, 2-2
SGI 13C3 to LCD connector cable 1-14
SGI connections 1-14
without an external monitor 1-14
SGI to LCD adapter 1-14
Source key i-10, 2-2
source mode
selecting 6-3
Specifications A-1
Sync adjustment 6-4
Sync setting 2-6
Technical Support 6-12
temperature extremes 5-10
13C3 connections
SGI 1-14
standard 1-13
13C3 to LCD Connector Cable 1-13
Tools menu 3-2
Break Timer 3-2
Break Timer Value 3-2
LightBoard 3-2
LightBoard Mode 3-2
Mouse Tracking 3-2
Troubleshooting 6-1
chart 6-1
Turning on the projector 1-21
Turning the lamp off 1-22
user profiles 2-12
V-Sync values 6-3
VCO Gain
adjusting 6-5
Vert. Pos
adjusting 6-5
Vertical Double Image 6-7
VGA to LCD connector cable 1-10
VGA/MAC adapter 1-10
VIDEO 1/2 1-7
volume 2-7
Mute key 2-7
Volume keys i-11, 2-2
What’s in the box i-3
World Wide Web address 6-12
workstations 1-13