Ask Proxima 9100 User Manual
Page 102

keystoning 1-24
replacing 5-3
installing the new lamp 5-4
lamp type A-1
removing the old lamp 5-3
Lamp indicator 2-4
Lamp key i-10, 1-22, 2-3
LightBoard tool 2-2, 2-8
Draw toolbar 2-9
lighting the lamp i-9
Mac to LCD Adapter 1-11
MAC to LCD connector cable 1-11
Macintosh connections 1-10
Main menu 3-1
Advanced 3-1
Audio 3-1
Cyclops 3-1
Image 3-1
Input Source 3-1
Preferences 3-1
Projector 3-1
Tools 3-1
maintenance 5-1
cleaning the air filters 5-5
cleaning the lens and mirror 5-1
cleaning the projection window 5-1
replacing the lamp 5-3
MediaExpress Image Display System i-2
connecting 1-16
PDF files i-2
MediaExpress key i-11, 2-3
Menu key i-11, 2-3
Advanced 3-10
Audio 3-7
changing the language 2-5
Cyclops 3-3
Image 3-5, 3-6
Input Source 3-4
Main 3-1
Preferences 3-9
Projector 3-8
reverting to factory defaults 2-5
saving your settings 2-5
Tools 3-2
using 2-4
MIC 1-8
monitor connection 1-8
MouseDisk i-10, 2-2
Moving the projector 1-4
while open 1-5
Mute i-11
Mute key 2-2, 2-7
Notebook connections 1-12
setting the projector as an external
monitor 1-12
Opening the projector 1-1
Overtemp indicator i-11, 1-22, 2-4
Replacement B-1
Pause key i-11, 2-2
PC connections 1-10
PDF file 1-16
Positioning the projector 1-1
power switch 1-6
Powered Loudspeaker System 1-19
Preferences menu 3-9
Colors 3-9
Language 3-9
On-screen 3-9
Prog 2 3-9
Prog 1, 2 keys i-10, i-11, 2-2
Projecting transparencies 2-11
projecting with a separate monitor 1-9
projection lens
cleaning 5-1
Projector menu 3-8
Lamp Hours 3-8
Projection 3-8
Proxima cables
included 1-8
optional 1-8