Ask Proxima 9100 User Manual

Page 101

background image


Correcting shimmering or streaks 2-6

Adjusting the Sync 2-6

Correcting vertical banding 2-6

Adjusting the Dot Clock 2-6
Adjusting the Red, Green, and Blue

settings 2-6

Adjusting the Tint 2-6

Cyclops F/X i-11, 2-2, 4-1
Cyclops interactive pointer system i-2

connecting 1-16

Cyclops menu 3-3

Button 3-3
Calibrate 3-3

CYCLOPS port 1-7
Cyclops remote control i-10, 2-1, 2-2

batteries 5-10
Fit-To-View/MediaExpress key i-11, 2-3
Lamp key i-10, 2-3
Menu key i-11, 2-3
MouseDisk i-10, 2-2
Mute key i-11, 2-2
Prog 1, 2 key i-10, 2-2
programming 2-12
Reverse/Forward/Pause key i-11, 2-2
Setup key i-11, 2-2
Source key i-10, 2-2
Volume keys i-11


DEC 3C3 to LCD adapter 1-15
DEC 3C3 Video Connections 1-15
DEC 3C3-LCD connector cable 1-15
Desktop Projector 9100

description i-1

diagonal image size 1-24
distance from screen 1-24
Dot Clock adjustment 6-4

maintenance 5-1
power consumption 1-6
precautions 1-21

Draw toolbar 2-9


fade 2-8
fade and balance 2-8
filters 5-5
Fit-To-View feature 2-11

Fit-To-View key i-11, 2-3
flip mirror i-6

cleaning 5-1
release lever 1-3

focus 1-23
Forward key i-11, 2-2
Freeze 4-8


H-Sync values 6-3
half-normal height 6-6
Hor. Pos

adjusting 6-4

Horizontal Double Image 6-5


image adjustments 1-23, 2-5

brightness 2-5
contrast 2-6
correcting keystoning 1-24
focusing the image 1-23
image size 1-24
raising or lowering the image 1-23

Image menu 3-5, 3-6

Blue 3-5
Bright 3-5, 3-6
Contrast 3-5, 3-6
DotClk 3-5
Factory Default 3-5
Green 3-5
Interlace 3-5
Red 3-5
Saturation 3-6
Sync 3-5
Tint 3-6

image position 2-6
image size 1-24
Input Measurements window 6-3
Input Source menu 3-4

Input Measurements 3-4
Source Mode 3-4
Source Select 3-4

input sources

definition 2-4
Source key 2-4
switching 2-4

Introduction A-1