Vaisala vLog 4.5 User Manual

Page 42

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Configuring Loggers



2011 Vaisala Canada Inc

Wrap when ful

l - This is the default method of collecting

samples on the logger. When you choose this setting,
samples are recorded in a first in, first out manner.
When the memory is full, the logger continues to take
samples by discarding the oldest one, and replacing it
with the newest one. This setting ensures that you
always have the latest data when you transfer from the
logger. The length of time that the memory fills and
wraps around is a function of the

Sample Interval


“Setting the Sample Interval” on page 37) you have set
on the logger. vLog automatically calculates this time
and displays it in the

Log Time

section of the Logger

Sample Timing window.


If the memory wraps around too quickly, you can
choose a longer sample interval.

Stop when full

- When you choose this method, the

logger stops taking readings once the memory is full.
This option allows the maximum amount of samples to
be taken without overwriting data. It is particularly
important in any application where there is an