Vaisala vLog 4.5 User Manual
Page 33

Configuring Loggers
Vaisala Veriteq vLog 4.5
Batch Setup of multiple loggers (see “Configuring Loggers:
Batch Setup (vLog VL)” on page 46).
If you use vLog VL and have high security
enabled, you will need to confirm your password
to finalize all logger configuration changes. For
more on security, see “Setting Security Levels
(vLog VL)” on page 22.
To configure loggers individually:
If you have not already done so, connect the logger to
the PC.
Logger | Setup
( ).
If communication with the logger is established, the
Logger Setup window opens.
The information shown in the Logger Setup window
relates to the logger connected to the COM port you
have specified. Some fields shown will vary depending
on the model of logger in use.
If your logger has factory-disabled channels,
they may not display at the bottom of the window
in the list of Channels, or they will display as
‘Disabled’ (no Setup button will be available).