Vaisala vLog 4.5 User Manual
Page 35

Configuring Loggers
Vaisala Veriteq vLog 4.5
Logger Status
• Stopped at specified time: The logger is not sampling and
has stopped because the user-set stop time has been
• Stopped when full: The logger is not sampling and has
stopped because it is configured to stop when the memory is
• Start at specified time: The logger is not sampling, but is set
to begin sampling as soon as the Start time is reached.
No enabled channels: The logger is not sampling because no
channels are enabled.
The Setup button to the right of the Logger Status enables you to
clear the logger’s memory and change the Sample Interval,
Start Mode, and Stop Mode settings.
Start Time
Indicates either the time that the currently-connected logger
began taking samples, or the time (in the future) that it is set to
begin taking readings
Future Start times are indicated by a (
) symbol.
For information on changing the Start Time, see “Setting the
Start Mode” on page 34.
Indicates the current sample interval setting (how frequently the
logger is programmed to take readings). For information on set-
ting sample intervals, see “Setting the Sample Interval” on
page 37.
• Note that the most frequent sampling rate possible with
VL-1000-VLT, VL-1016, VL-1200 and SP-1200, SP-1016, VL-
1416 and SP-1416 loggers is once per minute. For other log-
gers, the most frequent sampling possible is once every 10
seconds; however, sampling of this frequency will have a neg-
ative effect on battery life.
Stop Mode
Indicates how the currently-connected logger is set to stop while
recording samples in its memory. There are three choices:
when full
Stop when full
, and
Stop at specified time
. For more
information on setting Stop modes, see “Setting the Stop Mode”
on page 35.
Table 3: Logger Setup window information