Vaisala HMP110 User Manual

Page 59

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Chapter 5 ______________________________________________________________ Maintenance

VAISALA _______________________________________________________________________ 57


Use the SEND command to verify the currently measured RH

T= 22.9 'C RH= 11.1 %RH Td= -8.0 'C

10. Give the CRH command with the RH value of the humidity

reference as a parameter:

crh 11

11. After entering the correction, unplug the USB cable from the probe.

Insert the probe in the NaCl salt chamber (75 %RH) and wait for
20 – 40 minutes for humidity and temperature to stabilize.

12. Connect the USB cable to the probe and use the SEND command

to see the currently measured value.

13. Give the CRH command with the RH value of the humidity

reference as a parameter:

crh 75

14. Check with the L command that the user adjustment parameters

have changed.

If you wish to remove the effects of RH calibration (returning the
RH measurement of the probe to the factory calibrated state), see
section Clear Adjustment of RH Measurement on page 45.

One-Point Adjustment of T Measurement
(HMP110, HMP113, and HMP110T)

To perform a one-point adjustment to the temperature measurement of
the HMP110, HMP113, or HMP110T you need:

- The Vaisala USB cable (Vaisala order code: 219690)

- PC with a terminal application.

- One known and stable temperature reference.


Connect the USB cable to the PC, but do not connect it to the probe


Remove the filter from the probe and insert the probe in the
temperature reference.

This manual is related to the following products: