DAVIS Weather Envoy (6314, 6314C) User Manual
Page 39

Contacting Davis Technical Support
WeatherLink says “No new data to download” but I know there’s data there.
What can I do?
Weather Envoy is smart enough to send only data it hasn’t already sent to the
computer. So, when you initiate a new download, the program will retrieve
the first record after the last record shown in the WeatherLink’s Browse Win-
dow. Older data is stored in the logger as a backup. To see how many of these
backup records are stored in the logger, create a new station and download the
data into this new database. Because there are no records stored in the station
you just created, WeatherLink will download everything it has stored.
Next, try clearing the archive memory using the clear dialog box. You will lose
any data not already downloaded in your archive memory, but all of your cal-
ibration numbers and alarm settings will remain intact. If this doesn’t work,
reboot your weather station by removing all power including batteries, then
restoring power.
After successfully downloading, recent or new data does not appear to be in my
database. Where is it?
Check to see if the time and date on your station are incorrect. (This can hap-
pen if you have a power outage and your battery is dead.) If so, the data was
written into the wrong month, day, and/or time. Reset the time and date.
It is also possible, if you have multiple stations, that you downloaded data
into the wrong station’s database. Make sure you’ve opened the correct station
before downloading.
When viewing data, dashes appear in place of a value for functions other than
wind direction. Why?
If no data was recorded by a sensor (for example, the sensor was disconnected
or radio interference blocked reception) or if bad data was recorded for a sen-
sor (for example, the sensor was malfunctioning), the software dashes out the
entry rather than showing invalid data. You can use the record editor to cor-
rect these entries.
C o n ta c t i n g D a v i s Te c h n i c a l S u p p o rt
If you have questions about the software, or encounter problems installing or
operating the WeatherLink software, please contact Davis Technical Support.
(510) 732-7814
– Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Pacific Time.
(510) 670-0589
– Technical Support Fax.
– E-mail to Technical Support.
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– Copies of User Manuals are available on the “Support”
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