Trouble shooting – PowerTap Pro User Manual
Page 35

Link Software
General Link Trouble Shooting
The following are some problems you might have when installing and setting up your Link Software. This list will be evolving, so please visit our web site for a current troubleshooting guide.
If your problem is not addressed here you can call Customer Service at 1-800-783-7257.
Raw Data Files
Some of the more sneaky of you will try calculating power/heart rate for just one ride to see how cardiac fatigue might be affecting your ride. You'll do this by running the .CSV file in Excel and cal-
culating the factor for each record. Then you'll replace the calculated column for the existing, say, Torque column. This is very naughty. You need to know that as soon as you import that data into
your database, it will affect your entire database history until you delete the ride. If you want to try such experiments, it's best to import such adulterated data into a separate rider name.
Database Management
As long as you are keeping all the raw data (.CSV) files, you can always start over by importing the files again. Remember that you can always delete a ride and rider from the database to start
Data Differences Between Link and Powertap Computer
There are two issues here, data inconsistency and time differences.
First the display on the Powertap CPU has a 3 sample running average. This 3 sample average is used for displaying averages and maximums on the Powertap computer display. This reduces the
"jumpiness" of the numbers and makes it easier to use while riding.
The data saved for download is raw, exactly as it is sent from the hub.
In the CPU set up mode (press MODE and SELECT buttons simultaneously until you see 'SETUP') you can select 1 or 2 sample recording. If you select 1 the data is sent to the CPU from the hub at
1-second intervals. The 1-second mode will save every data point sent from the hub. If you select 2 the data is sent to the CPU at 2-second intervals. The 2-second mode will in effect save only
every other data point sent from the hub. Therefore in the 2-second mode Maximums can be missed.
So between the averaging and the save rate the data download will be different. In the 1-second mode the download data is always most accurate.