Trouble shooting – PowerTap Pro User Manual

Page 34

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Computer display is on, but there is no transmission icon

· Hub is asleep - spin the wheel momentarily to wake up the hub.

· Batteries need replacement - replace the hub batteries as shown on pages 33 of the User Manual.

· Computer not seated in mount - make sure computer is firmly and correctly mounted in handlebar mount.

· Communication errors - verify that the receiver is positioned as shown in the installation section. Inspect receiver & computer mount for damaged wire or connector.

· Moisture in hub - remove cover to see if there is any condensation on the battery cover. If there is, leave cover off in a dry place for 12 hours or until moisture disappears.

· Interference with other devices - make sure you are not setting up the Powertap inside a building with a lot of electrical noise, neon signs, motors, or near power lines. Take the Powertap outside or

away from the electrical disturbance to see if signal returns.

· Powertap computer's batteries are low, replace batteries as shown on pages 33 of the User Manual. We recommend using a cone wrench to remove the battery cap, not a coin.

· Check the Powertap Receiver wire and computer mount for damage.

Displayed data blinks or does not function

· Batteries need replacement - replace the computer batteries as shown on pages 33 of the User Manual.

· Computer not seated in mount - make sure computer is firmly and correctly mounted in handlebar mount.

· Interference with other devices - see note above about interference.

· Check for damage to receiver & computer mount.

Power seems incorrect

· Torque value is not zeroed - zero the torque as described on page 12 of the User Manual.

Speed seems incorrect

· Wheel size incorrect -refer to the chart on page 14 and enter the correct size in setup mode.

Transmission icon flashes rapidly

· Hub batteries need replacement - replace the hub batteries as shown on pages 33 of the User Manual.