Trouble shooting – PowerTap Pro User Manual
Page 33

The following are some problems you might have when installing and setting up your Powertap system. This list will be evolving, so please visit our web site for a current troubleshooting guide:
If your problem is not addressed here you can call Customer Service at 1-800-783-7257.
Cadence shows "zero" or "dashes"
The Powertap cadence sensor is accurate between 40 rpm and 130 rpm. Anything outside of this range will be recorded as a zero. Since the cadence measurement is a "virtual" cadence (based on
torque measurements) and not measured with an extra sensor it cannot read values outside of this range.
Sometimes heart rate shows "zero" or “dashes”
Typically, this will happen if the chest strap contacts lose sufficient contact with the skin or if the battery in the Powertap computer is low.
Heart Rate data seems incorrect
· No chest strap in use - if you are not using the Powertap chest strap, the receiver may pick up noise.
· No hub transmission - the transmission icon must be illuminated for the heart rate monitor functionality to be enabled. Spin the wheel momentarily to wake up the hub.
· Computer batteries low - replace the computer batteries as shown on pages 14-15 of the User Manual.
· Low battery in chest strap - replace chest strap batteries.
· Chest Strap not on properly- see page 8 or 21 in the User Manual.
3.5 hours of ride memory instead of 7.0 hours of data (original standard model)
The Powertap computer has a setting that lets you change the data collection rate. When you set up the Powertap computer (press MODE and SELECT buttons simultaneously until you see "SETUP"),
you can select either '1' or '2' after you have selected the measurement system and wheel circumference.
If you select '1', the Powertap will record data every second and you'll be able to store a maximum of 3.5 hours of data at that resolution. If you select '2', you will record data approximately every
other second and you'll be able to store a maximum of 7 hours of data at that resolution. You can change these settings before a ride but you'll have to remember where you left it - there's no indicator
of the current setting on the main displays.
No display on computer screen
· Computer is asleep - press one of the buttons on the computer to wake up the computer.
· Batteries need replacement - replace the computer batteries as shown on pages 33 of the User Manual.
· Computer too cold- operating temperature is 30 to 40 degrees Fahrenheit.