HP LaserJet M2727 Multifunction Printer series User Manual
Page 263

capacity 54
copying, changing
selection 51
default media size 51
double-sided printing 34
double-sided printing,
Windows 63
feeding problems,
troubleshooting 195
jams, clearing 180
locating 4
part numbers 214
blank pages 196
blank scans 203
checklist 168
configuration page,
printing 41
control panel messages 170
control-panel display 176
copy quality 198
copy size 200
copying 200
critical error messages 174
curled media 193
dialing 137
EPS files 209
faded print 190
fax error-correction
setting 135
fax reports 140
feeding problems 195
jams 176
lines, copies 198
lines, printed pages 191
lines, scans 203
loose toner 192
network configuration page,
printing 41
networks 206
pages not printing 197
pages too dark 198
pages too light 198
paper 194
print quality 190
receiving faxes 138
repetitive defects 194
scan quality 201, 203
sending faxes 136
skewed pages 193, 195
speed, faxing 140
staple jams 188
stapler 206
text 192
toner scatter 194
toner smear 191
toner specks 190
USB cables 197
wrinkles 193
TWAIN-compliant software,
scanning from 84
types, media
HP ToolboxFX settings 150
tray selection 54
unblocking fax numbers 114
Windows software 24
uninstalling Macintosh
software 30
UNIX software 26
usage page, printing 142
USB port
locating 5
Macintosh installation 29
troubleshooting 197
Macintosh 209
type included 3
Use different paper/covers 59
user-replaceable parts 215
V.34 setting 135
vertical lines,
troubleshooting 191
vertical white or faded
stripes 198
voltage requirements 224
settings 18
volume, adjusting 105
warning messages 170
Customer self repair 218
extended 222
print cartridge 219
product 217
transfer unit and fuser 219
watermarks 33, 61
wavy paper, troubleshooting 193
Web sites
customer support 220
HP Web Jetadmin,
downloading 154
Macintosh customer
support 221
Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) 231
weekly on-site service 221
weight 224
white or faded stripes,
troubleshooting 198
WIA-compliant software, scanning
from 84
add scan-to destinations 85
driver settings 23, 62
drivers supported 7, 22
faxing from 124
pages per sheet 64
problem-solving issues 208
scanning from TWAIN or WIA
software 84
scanning to e-mail 86
scanning to folder 86
software components 21, 25
supported operating
Windows driver settings
booklets 57
Word, faxing from 125
wrinkles, troubleshooting 193
Index 251