HP LaserJet M2727 Multifunction Printer series User Manual

Page 257

background image

EPS files, troubleshooting 209
error messages

control panel 170
critical 174

error messages, fax 129
error report, fax

printing 134

error-correction setting, fax 135
errors, PostScript 210
EU statement for telecom

operation 234

European Union, waste

disposal 231

event log 144
express software installation 7
extended warranty 222
extension phones

receiving faxes from 115
sending faxes from 126


factory-set defaults, restoring 169
faded print 190

ad hoc groups 121
answer mode 16, 111
autoreduction 113
billing codes 109
blocking 114
canceling 116
contrast setting 107
delaying sending 126
deleting from memory 117
detect-dial-tone settings 106
dial prefixes 105
dialing, tone or pulse 108
error messages 129
error report, printing 134
error-correction 135
extension phone

receiving 115

factory-set defaults,

restoring 169

forwarding 111
glass-size setting 108
group-dial entries 123
jams, troubleshooting 176
manual dialing 120
pauses, inserting 100
polling 103

receive log 148
receiving from software 112
receiving when you hear fax

tones 128

redial manually 122
redial settings 106
reports 13
reports, printing all 133
reports, troubleshooting 140
reprinting from memory 127
resolution 107, 108
ring patterns 112
ring type 16
rings-to-answer 110
security, password

protection 103

security, private receive 104
send by using speed dial 122
send log 148
sending from a telephone 126
sending from software 124
silence-detect mode 113
speed dials 122
stamp-received 114
troubleshooting receiving 138
troubleshooting sending 136
V.34 setting 135
volume settings 105

fax date, setup

use control panel 97
use HP Fax Setup Wizard 98

fax header, setup

use control panel 97
use HP Fax Setup Wizard 98

fax ports, locating 5
fax reports, printing 13
Fax tab, HP ToolboxFX 145
fax time, setup

use control panel 97
use HP Fax Setup Wizard 98


from a computer

(Macintosh) 36

FCC compliance 228

product 3

feeding problems,

troubleshooting 195

file, scanning to

Macintosh 35

Finnish laser safety

statement 237

firmware updates 165
first page

blank 59
use different paper 32, 59

Fit to Page setting, fax 113
flatbed scanner

default glass-size, setting 108

folder, scanning to 86

printing font lists 142
selecting 65

forwarding faxes 111
fraud hotline 158

error 174
media guidelines 58
warranty 219


General Protection FaultException

OE 208

glass, cleaning 88, 165
glass-size setting 108
glossary of terms 239
gray background,

troubleshooting 191

grayscale scanning 88
group-dial entries

creating 102
deleting 102
editing 102
sending faxes to 123


Help tab, HP ToolboxFX 148
HP Customer Care 220
HP fraud hotline 158
HP Instant Support Professional

Edition (ISPE) 220

HP LaserJet Scan (Windows) 83
HP SupportPack 222
HP ToolboxFX

device information 149
Documentation tab 148
Fax tab 145
Help tab 148
Network Settings tab 152
opening 144


Index 245