HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 248
errors, 177
community strings, 64
deleting, 179
discovering, 179
System Page, 179
Configure or Repair Agents, 19
Windows Vista, 179
Configure or Repair Agents task, 179
audit log, 157
Configure or Repair Agents task, 179
storage system discovery, 148
tool definition files, 157
contract and warranty
default tasks, 209
status, 129, 130
system properties, 68
CPU resource, 153, 154
CPU utilization, 153
automatic event handling tasks, 69, 72
custom tools, 219
discovery task, 45
event collections, 74
tasks, 81
deleting, 180
discovery, 180
discovery sign-in, 190
discovery task, 41
fail, 180
global, 41, 45
global sign-in, 190
, 180
system, 41
system sign-in>, 190
custom tools, 197
creating, 219
deleting, 97
editing, 97
environment variables, 98
managing, 97, 219
menu placement, 100
MSA, 219
multiple-system-aware, 219
running, 97
scheduling, 97
single-system-aware, 219
SSA, 219
TDEF, 219
web-launch tool, 219
cluster table view, 66
collections, 89
data collection, 207
append new data set, 207
biweekly, 207
canceling, 181
detailed analysis, 207
duplicate entries, 181
fails, 181
initial, 207
Onboard Administrator, 181
overwrite existing data set, 207
search criteria, 207
STDOUT error, 181
storage systems, 148
task, 181
upgrade issues, 181
data collection task
scheduling, 207
default tasks
bi weekly data collection, 209
daily device identification, 209
delete events older than 90 days, 209
hardware status polling for non servers, 209
hardware status polling for servers, 209
hardware status polling for systems no longer disabled,
Initial contract and warranty collection, 209
initial data collection, 209
initial hardware status polling, 209
Monthly contract and warranty collection , 209
software version status polling, 209
software version status polling for systems no longer
disabled, 209
weekly check event configuration, 209
clusters, 66
complexes, 179
custom tools, 97
discovery task, 45
events, 74
tasks, 81
discovery filters, 47
discovery task, 45
complexes, 179, 183
IO, 186
Linux servers, 185
automatic, 45, 47, 64, 201
Command View, 148
filters, 19
MSCS cluster services, 183
storage array, 183
storage solutions (SNMP), 146
storage systems, 148
XP P9500, 183
discovery filters
accessing, 47
248 Index