Simple network management protocol, System, Systems – HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 243: Snmp traps, Wbem smi-s providers, Smi-s, Provider, Software updates, Software, Inventory

server or an nPartition divided into virtual partitions can be an SRD for its virtual partition
compartments. Similarly, a server, an nPartition, or a virtual partition containing pSets can be an
SRD for its pset compartments. Lastly, a Server, an nPartition, or a virtual partition containing FSS
groups can be an SRD for its FSS group compartments.
A complex with nPartitions can hold multiple SRDs. For example, if the complex is divided into
nPartitions, named Par1 and Par2, Par1's compartments could be virtual partitions, while Par2's
compartments are pSets.
Each compartment holds a workload. gWLM manages the workload by adjusting the
compartment's resource allocation.
Short Message
A convenient way to send brief text messages directly to a wireless phone. There is a maximum
message length of 140 characters.
Simple Network
One management protocol supported by HP SIM. Traditional management protocol used
extensively by networking systems and most servers. Management Information Base for Network
Management of TCP/IP-based internets (MIB-II) is the standard information available consistently
across all vendors.
Simple Object
Access Protocol
A lightweight protocol for exchange of information in a decentralized, distributed environment.
Single Sign-On
Permission granted to an authenticated user browsing to HP SIM to browse to any of the managed
systems from within HP SIM without re-authenticating to the managed system. HP SIM is the initial
point of authentication, and browsing to another managed system must be from within HP SIM.
A run type that does not support multi-system operations. Tools with this run type are only aware
of the system on which they are running.
aware tool
This type of tool is executed by way of SSH on the target system.
See common information model object manager.
SMI-S provider
An industry-standard WBEM provider that implements a well defined interface for storage
management. The manufacturers of host bus adapters (HBAs), switches, tape libraries, and storage
arrays can integrate SMI-S providers with their systems, or provide them as separate software
See also Web-Based Enterprise Management.
SNMP trap
Asynchronous event generated by an SNMP agent that the system uses to communicate a fault.
The HP-UX administration tool set used to deliver and maintain HP-UX operating systems and
layered software applications.
software inventory
A listing of the HP software installed on the system where the HP VCA is installed.
software update
A task to remotely update software and firmware.
The act of a website posing as another site to gather confidential or sensitive information, alter
data transactions, or present false or misleading data.
SSH client
Connects to SSH servers to perform remote task execution and file copy.
SSH server
Listens for and services requests coming in on the proper TCP/IP port, usually port 22.
status type
The classification of status messages (for example, Critical, Major, Minor, Normal, Warning,
and Unknown).
A standard management interface developed by the Storage Networking Industry Association
(SNIA). SMI-S provides a common interface and facilitates the management of storage devices
from multiple vendors. SMI-S uses industry-standard
storage systems
SAN-attached Fibre Channel disk arrays, switches, tape libraries, or hosts (with Fibre Channel
host bus adapters).
On TCP/IP networks, subnets are all systems whose IP addresses have the same prefix. For
example, all systems with IP addresses that start with 10.10.10. would be part of the same subnet.
Systems on the network that communicate through TCP/IP. To manage a system, some type of
management protocol (for example, SNMP, or WBEM) must be present on the system. Examples