HP Systems Insight Manager User Manual
Page 135

Table 23-2 License types (continued)
License Type
Offers full, unlimited functionality for a limited time and a
specific number of seats. The license determines the number
of days the key enables the product to function. The days
begin counting from the day of first use. The key can permit
more than one instance of the product to run. Demo keys
can authorize up to 255 seats for up to 255 days.
Demo (seats and time)
Offers full, unlimited functionality for a limited time. The
license determines the number of days the key allows the
product to function. The days begin counting from the day
of first use. The key can permit more than one instance of
the product to run. Demo keys can authorize use for up to
65,535 days.
Demo (time)
Offers full, unlimited functionality for a limited time. The
license determines the number of days the key enables the
product to function. The days begin counting from the day
the key is created. The key can permit more than one
instance of the product to run. Demo keys can authorize
use for up to 65,535 days.
Offers time limited, full functionality license. A Duration
license (DLL) can be assigned to a system multiple times.
When the licensed product consumes a license and that
license subsequently expires, a new license will be
consumed and removed from the stack of assigned licenses
(if there are any and using the same license key). For
example, if seven product licenses from the same DLL key
are assigned the license remains valid for seven times the
interval specified in the corresponding DLL license. Any
number of the assigned licenses still assigned can be
unassigned at any time.. The basic time unit encoded in
the key is one month. A DLL can authorize up to 255 seats
for up to 255 months.
Offers time limited, full functionality license. The basic time
unit encoded in the key is one month. A Subscription license
can authorize up to 255 seats for up to 255 months. All
subscriptions licenses based on a specific subscription
license key will all expire when the first license used from
this key expires. All time representations in License
Manager displays are in days
HP SIM considers one month equal to 30 days.
Table 23-3 License types reported by management processor products
License Type
Offers full, unlimited functionality and represents a
single-use key for the product. This license type is specific
to management processors.
Offers full, unlimited functionality and represents a
single-use key for the product. This license type is specific
to management processors.
License types