HP XP Racks User Manual
Page 12

Supported external storage systems are listed on the HP StorageWorks Single Point
of ConnectivityKnowledge (SPOCK) website:
Required. See the HP XP7 Remote Web Console User Guide for installation and
operations instructions.
Ext Stor license key
As needed. See
“HP XP7 Storage software supported for external volumes” (page 26)
for HP XP7 Storage software and functions that can be used with external volumes.
Other HP XP7 Storage software
Remote Web Console
External volumes are reported as RAID 1 in the following displays:
RAID level
HP XP7 Storage internal processing. (A bar (-) displays on the Remote Web
Console windows.)
Information about the external storage system that is reported to a higher-level
device (OS).
Internally, HP XP7 Storage uses RAID 1 cache management for external volumes.
The external storage controller is responsible for physical RAID methods.
Ports in external storage system
Maximum = 1,024 ports can be connected with HP XP7 Storage.
(WWN is used as a port identification number)
No. of mapped ext. vols.
Maximum = 63,232
Maximum per port = 4,096
For Fast Snap and Thin Provisioning:
Number of external volumes + Number of virtual volumes
Maximum = 16,384
No. of ext. vol. groups
Maximum = 4,096
No. of vols. registered in ext. vol.
No. of mapping paths
One required
Two or more recommended
Maximum = 8 per external volume
The minimum capacity of an internal volume changes depending on the emulation
type. See
“LDEV capacities per emulation type” (page 17)
Minimum capacity of an internal
83,520 blocks (about 41 MB).
Minimum capacity of an ext. vol.
However, when the emulation type is OPEN-V, the minimum capacity is 96,000
blocks (about 47 MB).
Maximum capacity of an ext. vol.
59.99TB (128,849,011,200 blocks)
You can use a volume with more than 59.99TB, but you can only access 59.99TB
as a mapped external volume.
Use Virtual LVI/Virtual LUN to create multiple LDEVs of OPEN-V up to the
maximum LDEV size of 3.99 TB each.
Maximum No. of ext. vols. that
can be mapped per port
If one external port is connected to several target ports through switches, the
maximum number of LUs defined for the connected target ports is 4,096.
Requirements and planning