HP EML E-series Tape Libraries User Manual

Page 54

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Table 21 Startup problems (continued)

Corrective action


Power cords from PDU power strips are installed and seated.

The library main power switch is on.

The library powers on but the robot
does not move.

Check the connections of the Ethernet cable between the library robotics
controller and the Interface Manager card.

If the Interface Manager card does not have access to the DHCP server
and the library firmware is at release 2.4 or greater, access the CLI from
a serial connection and execute the command set network config


If the Interface Manager card does not have access to the DHCP server
and the library firmware is at an earlier version than 2.4, use a valid service
password to enter the IM CLI service mode then use the set network
config eml


Make sure that the robot shipping restraints have been removed.

The library or tape drives are not
detected by the Interface Manager card
or Command View TL software.

Check cable connections.

Check the cabling. Make sure that all radial bends are greater than 5 cm
(2 inches) in diameter.

Make sure that the tape drives and library are powered on and can be
seen by the OCP and hosts.

Check that the FAULT LED on the tape drives are off.

Check the log files for network problems.

Make sure that the interface controllers are powered on and ready.

During initialization, the library robot
stops moving and the OCP status bar
is red.

Use Command View TL or L&TT to generate a support ticket and check the
event log.

Check the last entry in the critical error log on the OCP. Use the following
errors as examples in correcting the problem:

0100: Module # does not have RLP(2)

Check power to the module number. Refer to the checks listed previously
under “The library does not power on.”

5501: Failed target calibration for MRC: X, X, X

Make sure that nothing is obstructing the barcode reader.

Make sure that the magazine is installed and seated properly.

Check for defective magazine target markings.

0000: End of Text

Open the library door and check the picker for a tape cartridge. If a
cartridge is present, remove the tape cartridge and place it into an empty
slot. Close the library door to start an inventory.

Opcode: 0514 (Robot needs to be reset)

The library can fail to initialize if a tape is located on the floor. If unable
to use Command View TL or Telnet, disconnect the network connection and

One or more tape drives fail during

Check power supply indicator for power to the tape drive.

Check that the tape drive is properly cabled and ready.

Check the link indicators on the interface controllers for a valid link to the
tape drives.

Check whether the FAULT indicator is lit on the back of the tape drive. If
so, diagnose the problem.

Make sure the tape drive has the appropriate firmware.


Troubleshooting and event reporting