HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 93

class extendSample
public static void main( String args[] )
JoltSession s_session;
String host;
short port;
TransferService xfer;
String failure;
if (args.length != 2)
System.err.println("Usage: reuseSample host port");
/* Get the host name and port number for initialization. */
host = args[0];
port = (short)Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
/* Prepare to connect to the TUXEDO domain. */
JoltSessionAttributes attr = new JoltSessionAttributes();
attr.setString(attr.APPADDRESS,"//"+ host+":" + port);
String username = null;
String userrole = "sw-developer";
String applpasswd = null;
String userpasswd = null;
/* Check what authentication level has been set. */
switch (attr.checkAuthenticationLevel())
case JoltSessionAttributes.NOAUTH:
case JoltSessionAttributes.APPASSWORD:
applpasswd = "secret8";
case JoltSessionAttributes.USRPASSWORD:
username = "myName";
userpasswd = "BEA#1";
applpasswd = "secret8";
/* Logon now without any idle timeout (0). */
/* The network connection is retained until logoff. */
attr.setInt(attr.IDLETIMEOUT, 0);
s_session = new JoltSession(attr, username, userrole,
userpasswd, applpasswd);
* TransferService extends from JoltRemoteService and uses the
* standard TUXEDO BankApp TRANSFER service. We invoke this
* service twice with different parameters. Note, we assume
* that "s_session" is initialized somewhere before.
xfer = new TransferService(s_session);
if ((failure = xfer.doxfer(10000, 10001, "500.00")) != null)
System.err.println("Tranasaction failed: " + failure);
System.out.println("Transaction is done.");
System.out.println("From Acct Balance: "+xfer.fromBal);
System.out.println(" To Acct Balance: "+xfer.toBal);