Processing the request – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 272

the form.
Processing the Request
When the Web server receives the TRANSFER request, it runs the program tlr.asp. Client requests
are turned into a Request object in the Web server. This Request object has members containing
all the data that was input into the form along with other form data, such as hidden fields, etc. The
Web server makes the Request object available to the program being invoked.
The program tlr.asp contains only VBScript. The first action performed by this program verifies
that the Jolt Session Pool Manager is initialized. The code example shown in
performs the initialization check and returns an HTML error page if the pool is not initialized.
Example 3-4. tlr.asp: Verify the Jolt Session Pool Manager is Initialized
If Not IsObject(Application("mgr")) Then
Session Manager is not initialized
Make sure that you access the correct HTML
End If
If the session pool is initialized, the program continues to process the request. The program locates
a Session from the Session Pool Manager shown in
Example 3-5. tlr.asp: Locate a session
Set pool = Application("mgr").getSessionPool(Null)
Once a valid session is located, the program retrieves an HTML template that is used to return the
results to the client. In this example, these templates were cached in the initialization section. The
template retrieved is identified by the name of the service being invoked, Request("SVCNAME")
shown in
Example 3-6. tlr.asp: Retrieve a Cached HTML Template