HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 274

Account # | Balance | |
From: | <%=ACCOUNT_ID[0]%> | <%=SBALANCE[0]%> |
To: | <%=ACCOUNT_ID[1]%> | <%=SBALANCE[1]%> |
To substitute the placeholders in the template with the actual values of the data returned from the
service call, use the eval() method of the Template object shown in
. This method
matches placeholders in the template file with fields of the same name in the results data and
replaces them accordingly. A check for valid results (output object) is done as shown in
. If there is no output object, an error template page is returned.
Example 3-9. tlr.asp: Template Processing
path = Application("templatedir")
If (Not IsObject(output)) Or (output is Nothing) Then
Call template.evalFile(path & "\nosession.temp", Null)
Elseif output.noError() Then
Call template.eval(iodata)
Elseif output.applicationError() Then
Call template.evalFile(path & "\error.temp", iodata)
'// System error
Dim errdata(0)
Set errdata(0) = Server.CreateObject("BEAWEB.TemplateData")
Call errdata(0).setValue("ERRNO", output.getError())
Call errdata(0).setValue("ERRMSG", output.getStringError())
Call template.evalFile(path & "\syserror.temp", errdata)
End If
The array iodata contains both the input request and the results from the service call. This is
useful if you want the results page to contain data that is part of the input.
When the template is processed, the resulting HTML is returned to the client as shown in
Figure 3-3. tlr.asp Results Page