HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 198

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Select "A variable or parameter" method. In this example, event is the default and the correct value. Select Finish.


3. Wire the accountID JoltTextField as input to the JoltServiceBean using JoltInputEvent

The results of completing these three steps will enable you to type the account number in the first text field. The JoltFieldName property of
this JoltTextField is set to "ACCOUNT_ID". Whenever the text inside this text box changes, it sends a JoltInputEvent to the
JoltServiceBean. (The JoltServiceBean listens to JoltInputEvents from this textbox.) The JoltInputEvent object contains the name, value,
and occurrence index of the field.

Select the Interaction Wizard button. Select the accountID JoltTextField bean and drag a line to the JoltServiceBean. The Interaction
Wizard window similar to the example shown in

Figure 3-10



Choose dataChanged as event and select "Handle a jolt input event" as method. Select Next. The Interaction Wizard "How it should
happen" window similar to the example shown in

Figure 3-11



Select "A variable or parameter." Select Finish.


4. Wire Button to JoltServiceBean using JoltAction

The results of completing these two steps will enable the callService() method of the JoltServiceBean to be triggered by an ActionEvent
from the Inquiry button.

Select the Interaction Wizard button. Select the Inquiry Button and drag a line to the JoltServiceBean. The Interaction Wizard
window similar to the example shown in

Figure 3-10



Choose Action as the event. Select "Invoke TUXEDO Service represented by this bean" as the method. Select Finish.


5. Wire JoltServiceBean to the balance JoltTextField using JoltOutputEvent

The results of completing these three steps of the JoltServiceBean sends a JoltOutputEvent when it receives reply data from the remote
service. The JoltOutputEvent object contains methods to access fields in the output buffer. The JoltTextField displays the result of the
INQUIRY service.

Select the Interaction Wizard button. Select the JoltServiceBean and drag a line to the AmountJoltTextField bean. The Interaction
Wizard window similar to the example shown in

Figure 3-10

