Getbytesdef, Getdoubledef, Getfloatdef – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual
Page 114
(field name) Attempt to get a field that is not defined for this service.
Gets the byte array value of a specified parameter.
byte[ ] getBytesDef( String name, byte[] defValue );
Usage This method gets the byte array value of the first item specified in the name parameter or the specified defValue, if
the name does not exist.
Returns This method returns an array of byte values.
(field name) Attempt to get a field that is not defined for this service.
Gets the double precision value of a specified parameter.
double getDoubleDef( String name, double defValue );
Usage This method gets the double precision value of the item specified in the name parameter or the specified defValue,
if the name does not exist.
Returns This method returns a double precision value (64-bit).
(field name) Attempt to get a field that is not defined for this service.
Gets the floating point value of a specified parameter.
float getFloatDef( String name, float defValue );
Usage This method gets the floating point value of the item specified in the name parameter or the specified defValue, if
the name does not exist.
Returns This method returns a floating point value (32-bit).
(field name) Attempt to get a field that is not defined for this service.