Joltservicebean class, Gettextvalue -- value of a field, Gettextvalue -- value of one occurrence of a field – HP NonStop G-Series User Manual

Page 212: Gettextvalues

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getTextValue -- value of a field

The getTextValue() method gets the value of a field in the output buffer as String.

String getTextValue(String fieldName)


Name of the field (Jolt field name)

Returns Value of the field as String.

Usage Get the value of a field in the output buffer.

getTextValue -- value of one occurrence of a field

The getTextValue() method gets the value of one occurrence of a field in the output buffer.

String getTextValue(String fieldName, int index)


Name of the field (Jolt field name)


The occurrence index of the field.

Usage Get the value of one occurrence of a field in the output buffer.

Returns Value of the field as String.


The getTextValues() method gets all occurrences of a field in the JoltOutput message buffer.

String[] getTextValues(String fieldName)


Name of the field (Jolt field name)

Returns Array of all occurrences as String array.

Usage Get all occurrences of a field in the output buffer.

JoltServiceBean Class
