HP XP P9000 Command View Advanced Edition Software User Manual
Page 33

• If replicating datasets between sites, allocate the same name of the datasets to these sites
• If route lists and command devices are managed with BCM, allocate datasets of BCM config-
uration files
The following BCM setup operations need to be performed:
Identify DADIDs and prefixes used by Replication Manager and specify them as initialization
parameters for BCM Agent
Set up route lists and command devices to achieve either of the following:
• To retrieve or monitor C/T Delta with Replication Manager / BCM
• To discover volumes or perform pair operation on remote DKCs using local instances of BCM
(when no BCM exists on the secondary site)
For details on setting up BCM definition files, see the HP StorageWorks P9000 for Business Continuity
Manager Software Installation Guide.
Setting up the prerequisite environment (application replicas)
The following prerequisite elements must be set up before replica operations can be performed:
All necessary setup and configuration instructions have been followed as documented in the HP
StorageWorks P9000 Replication Manager Software Configuration Guide.
Application Agent has been installed on the Exchange or SQL Server and (if necessary) a backup
or import server registered to Replication Manager.
A copy pair configuration has been prepared in the Pair Configuration Wizard with a status of
Pair or Suspend. For Exchange servers, the Read disable (secondary) option must also be set. (To
access these options, click the edit icon in the Task List on the 4. Task Management page).
The database server has been set up in the Setup Application Agent dialog box and configured
as follows:
Server Options tab:
• Target instance
• Backup server (if a backup server is used)
• P9000 RAID Manager installation path
Replica Options tab:
• Select the Conceal Replicas option (to hide secondary volumes from the backup server)
SQL Options tab (SQL Server only):
• SQL instance
If a backup server is used, it should also be configured in the same way as the database server
(except for the Replica Options tab).
For a cluster configuration, Shared Data Path is set in the Cluster Options tab of the Setup Applic-
ation dialog box.
Consult “
About concealing/revealing replica volumes
” on page 368 for additional requirements and information.
Related topics
• Adding an instance of Application Agent
• Creating an application replica
User Guide