Customizing hpdm windows, About box, Exit the hp database manager – HP Neoview Release 2.4 Software User Manual
Page 11
All of the current settings are replaced by the settings in the file being imported.
Customizing HPDM Windows
HPDM allows you to customize and resize areas that are displayed. HPDM scrolls continuously
in any direction, when the appropriate scroll arrow is clicked and held. The relative position of
the window is changed by selecting and moving the scroll box along the scroll bar. HPDM retains
area settings between sessions.
HPDM windows can be resized by dragging the window corner or border. If a border is dragged,
the window size changes only on the side of the border. If a corner is dragged, the two adjoining
sides to the corner change size at the same time. When a window is resized, graphical objects in
a window get resized, if necessary. When a window is resized, vertical and horizontal scroll bars
in a window get resized, if necessary. If a window has a minimum size, it cannot be resized
smaller than the minimum size.
About Box
To access the About box, select the Help->About menu in HPDM . The About HP Database
Manager box displays the current build information about HPDM. The HPDM .exe version
information and the vproc information is displayed, for example:
Build T2860N27_02MAR2009_HPDM_1218
The About dialog box also displays information about the installed components:
Installed Components displays the components currently installed in this HPDM product
Description describes the components. Click on the installed component to view a brief
description of the component.
Exit the HP Database Manager
To exit HPDM, close the HP Database Manager window. HPDM confirms that you want to exit
the application.
Customizing HPDM Windows