HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 125

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A performance and fault-tolerant technique that uses more than one physical connection between
the storage system and host system. Also called multipath I/O.

node volume

A level-2 primary volume in a Business Copy cascade configuration. The secondary volume of a
layer-2 pair is called a leaf volume. See also cascade configuration.




nonvolatile storage


A logical unit (LU) of user-defined size that is formatted for use by open-systems hosts.



A logical unit (LU) of fixed size (for example, OPEN-3 or OPEN-9) that is used primarily for
sharing data between mainframe and open-systems hosts using Data Exchange.


operating system


Operating System/390


primary site


See primary volume.


Two logical volumes in a replication relationship in which one volume contains original data to
be copied and the other volume contains the copy of the original data. The copy operations can
be synchronous or asynchronous, and the pair volumes can be located in the same storage system
(in-system replication) or in different storage systems (remote replication).

pair status

Indicates the condition of a copy pair. A pair must have a specific status for specific operations.
When an operation completes, the status of the pair changes to the new status.

parity group

See RAID group.

path failover

The ability of a host to switch from using the primary path to a logical volume to the secondary
path to the volume when the primary path fails. Path failover ensures continuous host access to
the volume in the event the primary path fails.

See also alternate path and failback.


parity group. See RAID group.

physical device

See device.



point-in-time (PiT)

A copy or snapshot of a volume or set of volumes at a specific point in time. A point-in-time copy
can be used for backup or mirroring application to run concurrently with the system.


A set of volumes that are reserved for storing Snapshot data or Thin Provisioning write data.

pool volume

A logical volume that is reserved for storing snapshot data for Snapshot operations or write data
for Thin Provisioning.

port attribute

Indicates the type of fibre-channel port: target, RCU target, or initiator.

port block

A group of four fibre-channel ports that have the same port mode.

port mode

The operational mode of a fibre-channel port. The three port modes for fibre-channel ports on the
HP RAID storage systems are standard, high-speed, and initiator/external MIX.


Peer-to-Peer Remote Copy

Preview list

The list of requested operations on Remote Web Console.

primary site

The physical location of the storage system that contains the original data to be replicated and
that is connected to one or more storage systems at the remote or secondary site via remote copy
connections. A primary site can also be called a “main site” or “local site”.

The term “primary site” is also used for host failover operations. In that case, the primary site is
the host computer where the production applications are running, and the secondary site is where
the backup applications run when the applications at the primary site fail, or where the primary
site itself fails.

primary volume

The volume in a copy pair that contains the original data to be replicated. The data in the primary
volume is duplicated synchronously or asynchronously on the secondary pairs.