Rcu operations list when “mcu&rcu” selected, Rcu operations list when “mcu&rcu, Rcu operations – HP XP P9500 Storage User Manual

Page 106

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Right-clicking a row displays a context menu with the following commands:

RCU Status. Displays secondary system status and path status.

RCU Operation > Add RCU. Used to add a secondary system to the primary system in a Cnt
Ac-S relationship.

RCU Operation > Change RCU Option. Used to change secondary system options.

RCU Operation > Delete RCU. Used to delete a secondary system.

Edit SSID(s) & Path(s) > Add Path. Used to add paths to existing secondary system.

Edit SSID(s) & Path(s) > Delete Path. Used to delete paths for existing secondary system.

Edit SSID(s) & Path(s) > Add SSID. Used to add SSIDs to existing secondary system.

Edit SSID(s) & Path(s) > Delete SSID. Used to delete SSIDs from existing secondary system.

Port. Used to change the port types for the connected storage system.

Lists and allows you to review your current operations not yet applied to the storage system. You
can change or delete the operations when you right-click the item in the Preview list. Clicking
Apply commits them to the system.

Preview list

Displays the current operation performed on the RCU Operation window.


Displays the number of rows in the preview list.


RCU Operations list when “MCU&RCU” selected

List field-descriptions when MCU&RCU is selected in the Display box are shown below. The fields
vary according to the selections you make in the tree:

“When LDKC, a CU group, or CU is selected in tree” (page 107)

“When an MCU or RCU is selected in tree” (page 107)

106 GUI reference