Autoinstall requirements, Autoinstall requirements -2 – AIS Router AI2524 User Manual

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AI2524 Router Card User’s Manual

Page 5-2

August 1997



The AutoInstall process is designed to configure the router automati-
cally after connection to your WAN. In order for AutoInstall to work
properly, a Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)
host on your network must be preconfigured to provide the required
configuration files. The TCP/IP host may exist anywhere on the net-
work as long as these two conditions are maintained:


The host must be on the remote side of the router's synchronous
serial connection to the WAN.


User Datagram Protocol (UDP) broadcasts to and from the router
and the TCP/IP host must be enabled.

This functionality is coordinated by your system administrator at
the site where the TCP/IP host is located. You should not attempt
to use AutoInstall unless the required files have been provided on
the TCP/IP host.


AutoInstall works on synchronous serial connections
only. The 2-wire switched 56-kbps DSU/CSU module op
erates on switched 56-kbps circuits only; therefore, you
cannot use it for AutoInstall.

In addition, your system must meet these requirements:


Routers must be physically attached to the network using one o
more of the following interface types: Ethernet, Token Ring, Fiber
Distributed Data Interface (FDDI), serial with High-Level Dat
Link Control (HDLC) encapsulation, or serial with Frame Relay
encapsulation. HDLC is the default serial encapsulation. If the Au-
toInstall process fails over HDLC, the Cisco IOS software auto-
matically configures Frame Relay encapsulation.


For Token Ring interfaces, only those that set ring speed
with physical jumpers support AutoInstall. AutoInstall
does not work with Token Ring interfaces for which the
ring speed must be set with software configuration
commands. If the ring speed is not set, the interface is set
to shutdown mode.


You must complete Step 1 and either Step 2 or 3:


A configuration file for the new router must reside on a TFTP
server. This file can contain the minimum or full configuration
needed for the administrator to Telnet into the new router for con-
figuration. In addition, make sure to complete one of the next two


A file named network-confg also must reside on the server. The
file must have an Internet Protocol (IP) host name entry for the
new router. The server must be reachable from the existing router.