NORD Drivesystems BU0080 User Manual
Page 20

NORDAC DeviceNet Manual
Setting value / Description / Note
Auxiliary setpoint interface
SK 300E, SK 700E, SK 750E
Selection of the interface from which the inverter is controlled.
0 ... 8
[ 0 ]
0 = Auto: The auxiliary setpoint value is automatically
taken from the interface of the main setpoint value
P509 >interface<
1 = USS
2 = CANbus
3 = Profibus
4 = InterBus
5 = CANopen
6 = DeviceNet
7 = Reserved
8 = CAN Broadcast
... - 01
... - 02
Setpoint source
SK 500E
Selection of the setpoint source to be parameterised.
[01] =
Main setpoint source
[02] =
Auxiliary setpoint source
Selection of the interface via which the FI receives the setpoint.
0 ... 10
[ 0 ]
0 = Auto: the source of the auxiliary
setpoint is automatically derived from
the setting in the parameter P509
1 = Control terminals, digital and analog
inputs control the frequency, including
fixed frequencies
2 = USS
3 = CAN
4 = Profibus
5 = InterBus
6 = CANopen
7 = DeviceNet
8 = EtherCAT
9 = CAN Broadcast
10 = CANopen Broadcast
P513 Telegram
-0.1 / 0.0 /
0.1 ... 100.0 s
[ 0.0 ]
Monitoring function of the active bus interface. Following receipt of a valid telegram, the next one
must arrive within the set period. Otherwise the FI reports an error and switches off with the error
message E010 >Bus Time Out<.
0.0 = Off: Monitoring is switched off.
-0.1 = No error:
Even if communication between BusBox and FI is interrupted (e.g. 24V error,
Box removed, etc.), the FI will continue to operate unchanged.
If necessary, this value is monitored internally by the Bus Master (depending on the
control unit used) with lower trigger monitoring times and the communication to the
Slave is interrupted.
CANbus baud rate
0 ... 7
[ 4 ]
Setting the transfer rate (transfer speed).
This setting is only valid if the rotary switch on the module is set in the PGM range,
otherwise the setting is made using the rotary coding switch.
0 = 10kBit/s
1 = 20kBit/s
2 = 50kBit/s
3 = 100kBit/s
4 = 125kBit/s
5 = 250kBit/s
6 = 500kBit/s
7 = 1MBit/s
(for test purposes only)
P515 CANbus
SK 300E, SK 700E, SK 750E
0 ... 255
[ 0 / 50 ]
Setting for the CANbus basic address. (See above)
This setting is only valid if the rotary switch on the module is set in the PGM range,
otherwise the setting is made using the rotary coding switch.