Milestone Central 3.7 User Manual
Page 51

Milestone XProtect 3.7; Administrator’s Manual
9. In the Owner list, select whether a particular user should be responsible for the alarm, or
whether it should be shared by all users. Note that because user access rights may vary,
users in the list may vary depending on your selection in the Sources list.
10. The Actions section in the lower part of the window lets you define a number of optional
Trigger an event: Defined events on surveillance system servers trigger alarms in
Central, but with this feature you can also let Central alarms trigger custom
events/user-defined events on XProtect Corporate systems. To select required
custom events/user-defined events, click the plus sign(s) next to the required
XProtect Corporate server(s), then select the required custom event(s)/user-
defined events.
The Trigger an event feature only works with XProtect Corporate systems.
Auto close alarm on: Lets you select if the alarm should automatically switch to
Closed state upon a particular event. This is possible for alarms triggered by some
(but not all) events. For example, if your alarm is triggered by a Not Responding
camera, the alarm can be closed automatically when the camera is Responding.
The possibility of automatically closing alarms triggered by Motion Detected when a
Motion End event occurs will only work for cameras connected to XProtect
Corporate systems.
Video destination: If Video Destinations (settings related to integration of alarms
with XProtect Matrix; see page 69) have been defined, you are able to select a
video destination to which live video will automatically be sent when the alarm
occurs. Note that you can only select a video destination if you have defined one or
more cameras among the alarm’s Sources and/or Related cameras.
Start video viewing: Lets you control how recorded video of incidents will be
presented to users who view the recorded video in the Client’s Video Viewer
window. By specifying a number of seconds in the field, you can make the
displayed video sequence start a number of seconds before the triggering event
took place. This allows operators and other personnel to also view what took place
prior to an alarm; in some cases this can be highly valuable information. See the
XProtect Central User’s Manual, available on the software DVD as well as from, for more information about the Client’s Video Viewer
Use of this feature requires that recorded video from before the event will actually
be available; it is thus important that you verify this. Video from before the event
may be available for various reasons, for example because the required camera
always records, or because prebuffering is used for the camera in question.
Prebuffering is a feature for provisionally keeping video on the surveillance system
server for a number of seconds regardless whether there turns out to be a reason
to keep it or not (if not, it is simply discarded). Prebuffering thus allows viewing of
recorded video from before events take place, even when a camera is otherwise
configured to only keep recorded video in the event of detected motion.
Viewing image quality: Determines the quality of video played back in
connection with the alarm definition in question, but also affects bandwidth usage.
If the Central Client is used over the internet, over a slow network connection, or if
for other reasons you need to limit bandwidth use, image quality can be reduced on
the server side by selecting e.g. Low or Medium. When selecting a reduced image
quality, images from the selected camera is re-encoded to a JPEG format on the
surveillance system server before being sent to the Central Client. Re-encoding
takes place along the following lines:
Page 51
Client: Alarms