Client: overview – Milestone Central 3.7 User Manual
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Milestone XProtect 3.7; Administrator’s Manual
Client: Overview
The XProtect Central Client is used for connecting to
the XProtect Central Server in order to view status and
alarm information from connected surveillance systems.
The XProtect Central Client is also used by XProtect
Central administrators for configuration of the system,
since administrators have access to a number of
otherwise hidden configuration features in the XProtect
Central Client.
Once the system has been configured by
administrators, other users (operators, etc.) are able to
access XProtect Central Client’s regular feature set.
The main window of the XProtect Central Client is
divided into four main sections:
Alarm Overview Section: Provides alarm information in a list format, which can be
filtered to allow an easy, yet detailed, overview. Lists alarms with information about time,
source, state of the alarm (New, Assigned, Resolved, ...), priority, etc. Filtering features let
users control which alarms to display in the list. From the Alarm Overview users are able to
view further information about individual alarms, including the ability to view recordings of
incidents, the ability to add comments, and print details. Users are also able to change the
state of alarms (for example from Assigned to Resolved). Roles (see page 43) determine
exactly which features individual users (or groups of users) have access to.
Navigation Section: Where configuration takes place; see suggested configuration
sequence on page 31. Most of the Navigation section’s features are available for
administrators only. For regular users, the Navigation section provides a hierarchical
representation of the maps available in the Map section as well as a list of the servers,
cameras, etc. available for monitoring.
Map Section: Provides visual representations of the surveillance systems being monitored.
Information Section: Provides details about selected items on three tabs, including one
with preview images from the most current alarms.
Administrators are able to simplify the Central Client user interface. This can occasionally be
relevant, for example if certain operators only use their Clients for simple verification purposes.
See Simplifying the Client User Interface on page 30.
This Manual Focuses on Features in the Navigation Section
Since configuration takes place through the Client’s Navigation section, the features of this section
are the center of attention in the following chapters. The Client’s other sections are described in
much more detail in the XProtect Central User’s Manual, available on the software DVD and from
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Client: Overview