Milestone Central 3.7 User Manual
Page 19

Milestone XProtect 3.7; Administrator’s Manual
1. Open Windows' Internet Information Services window by selecting Start > Control Panel >
Administrative Tools > Internet Information Services.
2. In the Internet Information Services window’s left pane, locate and right-click Central (if
you specified a different virtual directory name during the XProtect Central Service setup,
locate and right-click that name):
Example only; content on your
computer may be different
3. In the resulting menu, select Properties. This will open the Central Properties dialog.
4. Select the Directory Security tab.
5. In the Anonymous access and authentication control section, click the Edit... button. This
will open the Authentication Methods dialog.
6. Make sure that only the Digest authentication for Windows domain servers and Integrated
Windows authentication check boxes are selected, as outlined in the following illustration:
Example only; content and dialog layout on your computer may be different
7. Click OK twice, and close the Internet Information Services window. XProtect Central
Clients will now be able to access the XProtect Central Server.
Page 19
Server: Connection Troubleshooting