Thermo Fisher Scientific CyberScan DO 110 User Manual

Page 47

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Instruction Manual

CyberScan DO 110


i. Buttons & Check-Box

• Enable Connection - Click this button to enable communication between meter

and computer.

• Clear Readings - To clear all data and start all over again.

• Save Readings - To save all data displayed in either *.dat or *.txt format.

• Time Stamp - To include Time and Date stamp when collecting the data. Time

and date information comes from the computer.

Figure 40: Under File Menu setting, you can change various parameters. Under ABOUT menu, details of

Eutech Instruments' contact information, email address and updates are shown.

ii. Menu

• Communication Settings - To set communication port number, baud rate

speed, parity and stop bits protocol.

• Open - To open previously saved data file.

• Save - To save current data captured.

• Save As - To save current data set in another format such as *.dat or *.txt.

• Exit - To exit from CyberComm Data Acquisition Software program.