B.15 initiate[:immediate] command, B.16 initiate:continuous command, B.17 initiate:continuous query – KEPCO BIT 4886 Operator Manual User Manual

Page 73: B.18 measure[:scalar]:current[:dc]? query, B.19 measure[:voltage][:scalar][:dc]? query, B.20 output[:state] command, B.21 output[:state] query, B.15, Init, B.16

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B.15 INITiate[:IMMediate] COMMAND



Short Form: INIT:[IMM] Long Form: INITiate[:IMMediate]

Description: Enables a single trigger. This command enables a single trigger. A *TRG command completes the

sequence. Upon receipt of the *TRG command, the power supply will return to the commanded values
of voltage and current established by the VOLT:TRIG and CURR:TRIG commands. After a *TRG com-
mand has been received, subsequent *TRG commands have no effect unless preceded by INIT or
INIT:CONT ON. Related Commands: *TRG, TRIG. (See example, Figure B-4.)

B.16 INITiate:CONTinuous COMMAND



Short Form: INIT:CONT {ON | OFF} or {1 | 0} (1 = on, 0 = off)
Long Form: INITiate:CONTinuous {ON | OFF} or {1 | 0} (1 = on, 0 = off)

Description: INIT:CONT ON enables continuous triggers.; INIT:CONT OFF disables continuous triggers. If

INIT:CONT is OFF, then INIT[:IMM] arms the trigger system for a single trigger. If INIT:CONT is ON,
then the trigger system is continuously armed and INIT[:IMM] is redundant. Executing *RST command
sets INIT:CONT to ON. (See example, Figure B-4.)

B.17 INITiate:CONTinuous QUERY



Short Form: INIT:CONT?

Long Form: INITiate:CONTinuous?

Return Value: 1 or 0

Description: Determines whether continuous triggers are enabled or disabled. Power supply returns value of

INIT:CONT flag: “1” = continuous triggers are enabled (INIT:CONT ON); “0” = continuous triggers dis-
abled (INIT:CONT OFF). (See example, Figure B-4.)

B.18 MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]? QUERY



Short Form: MEAS[:SCAL]:CURR[:DC]?
Long Form: MEASure[:SCALar]:CURRent[:DC]?
Return Value: (digits with decimal point and Exponent)

Description: Measures actual current. This query returns the actual value of output current (measured at the out-

put terminals) as determined by the programmed value of voltage and current and load conditions.
(See example, Figure B-4.)

B.19 MEASure[:VOLTage][:SCALar][:DC]? QUERY



Short Form: MEAS[:SCAL]:VOLT[:DC]?
Long Form: MEASure[][:SCALar]:VOLTage[:DC]?
Return Value: (digits with decimal point and Exponent)

Description: Measures actual voltage. This query returns the actual value of output voltage (measured at the out-

put terminals) as determined by the programmed value of voltage and current and load conditions.
(See example, Figure B-4.)




Short Form: OUTP[:STAT]

Long Form: OUTPut[:STATe]

=(0 or OFF, 1 or ON)

Description: Enables or disables the power supply output. Upon power up the power supply is in Local mode:

the output is always on and the front panel controls affect the unit's operation. Upon entering Remote
mode, the default state is OUTP OFF; OUTP ON must be executed to enable the output. When OUTP
OFF is executed, the programmed values of voltage and current are saved, then voltage and current
are programmed to 0. When OUTP ON is executed, the power supply output is restored to the previ-
ously saved programmed values. The saved values of voltage and current can be viewed by VOLT?
and CURR? queries. Related Commands: OUTP?.




Short Form: OUTP[:STAT]?

Long Form: OUTPut[:STATe]?

Return Value: (0 or 1)

Description: Indicates whether power supply output is enabled or disabled. Returns 0 if output disabled,

returns 1 if output enabled. Related Commands: OUTP.