3 [source:]voltage and [source:]current subsystems, 4 output subsystem, 5 list subsystem – KEPCO BIT 4886 Operator Manual User Manual
Page 50: 1 required list commands, Output subsystem -16, List subsystem -16, Required list commands -16
BIT 4886 120413
These subsystems program the output voltage and current of the power supply.
This subsystem enables/disables the power supply output. Voltage and current are determined
by the combination of SOURCE subsystem VOLTage and CURRent commands and the load.
The LIST subsystem is used to generate transients, waveforms and execute a series of steps
repeatedly. Up to 1002 power supply settings can be stored temporarily. Each setting consists of
either a voltage or current value (depending on whether the power supply has been set to Volt-
age or Current mode), and a corresponding dwell time (the duration those settings are in effect).
These settings may be executed in sequence as they are entered, or executed in a user-deter-
mined sequence that also allows individual settings to be repeated more than once. In addition,
the entire sequence may be repeated for a specific number of times, or run indefinitely until
commanded to stop. The sequence can also be run in reverse order to produce inverted wave-
forms. The following paragraphs provide guidance for using the list commands. REQUIRED LIST COMMANDS
There are only five LIST commands, plus either the VOLT:MODE or CURR:MODE command,
that are needed to create and execute a list. Use of these required commands is illustrated in
Figure B-2 which shows the creation of sawtooth and triangular waveforms. LIST commands
are not accepted while a list is running. Send VOLT:MODE FIX (PAR. B.59) or CURR:MODE
FIX (PAR. B.50) to stop the list. A list remains in memory until the power is cycled or the
LIST:CLEAR command is processed. Therefore, if the original list is unchanged, additional com-
mands can be added to the end of the list without resending all the commands. However, to
change parameters of one or more commands within the list, send LIST:CLEAR and then
resend the entire list including the changed parameters. To execute the list again, either
VOLT:MODE LIST or CURR:MODE LIST must be sent again.
LIST:VOLT (PAR. B.45) or LIST:CURR (PAR. B.31). These commands establish the points
(steps) of a list which program output voltage or current. A list can only be either a voltage list or
a current list, so the points in a list must be made with either LIST:VOLT XXXX or LIST:CURR
XXXX. Mixing of these commands within a list is not allowed.
LIST:CLEAR (PAR. B.26). Always precede a new list with this command. A list remains in mem-
ory until the power is cycled or the LIST:CLEAR command is processed.
LIST:DWELL (PAR. B.36). Defines the dwell time for each point in a list. In many instances it is
easier to use one dwell time and repeat a specific point multiple times to generate longer dura-
tion pulses. Remember, if more than one LIST:DWELL is sent, there must be a LIST:DWELL for
each voltage or current point in the list.
LIST:COUNT (PAR. B.27) Defines how many times a list is executed. 0 equals indefinite; when
a count of 0 is used, either *RST, VOLT:MODE FIX or CURR:MODE FIX must be used to stop
the list. *RST will cause the output to be set off and the unit is set to Voltage mode. VOLT:MODE
FIX or CURR:MODE FIX stops the list immediately; the point being executed when the list is
stopped will be present at the BOP output.