A.7 *opc — operation complete command, Figure a-1. gpib commands, Gure a-1.) – KEPCO BIT 4886 Operator Manual User Manual
Page 65: A-1.), Figure a-1.), Re a-1
BIT 4886 120413
Description: Causes power supply to set status bit 0 (Operation Complete) when pending operations are
complete This command sets Standard Event Status Register bit 0 (see Table A-2) to “1” when all pre-
vious commands have been executed and changes in output level have been completed. This com-
mand does not prevent processing of subsequent commands, but bit 0 will not be set until all pending
operations are completed. (1 = set = enable function, 0 = reset = disable function). (See example, Fig-
ure A-1.) As an example, the controller sends command(s), then sends *OPC. If controller then sends
*ESR?, the power supply responds with either a “0” (if the power supply is busy executing the pro-
grammed commands), or a “1” (if the previously programmed commands are complete). (See exam-
ple, Figure A-1.)
Power supply clears status data.
*ESE 60
Power supply enables bits 5, 4, 3 and 2, allowing command error, execution
error, device dependent error and query error to set the Event Status
Summary bit when an STB command is executed.
Returns 60, (value of the mask) verifying that bits 5, 4, 3 and 2 are enabled.
Unknown command will set command error (Bit 5).
Returns 32 (bit 5 set), indicating Command Error has occurred since the last
time the register was read.
Power supply returns: KEPCO, BIT 4886 100-2 123456 1.8-1.8
Allows status bit 0 to be set when pending operations complete
Sets output voltage to 21V, output current to 3A
Returns 129 (128 + 1, power on, bit 7 = 1, operation complete, bit 1 = 1)
Returns 0 (event status register cleared by prior *ESR?)
VOLT 15;CURR 5;*ESR? Sets output voltage to 15V, output current to 5A, puts “1” on output bus when
command operations are complete.
Power supply reset to power on default state.
*SRE 40
When ESB or QUES bits are set (Table A-3), the Request for Service bit will
be set.
Returns the value of the mask (40).
For example, the Power supply responds with 96 (64 + 32) if MSS and the
Event Status Byte (Table A-3) summary bit have been set. The power
supply returns 00 if no bits have been set.
Power supply voltage commanded to 25V.
Programs power supply voltage to 12V when *TRG received.
Trigger event is initialized.
Power supply reverts to commanded output voltage of 12V.
Power supply executes self test and responds with 0 if test completed
successfully, with 1 if test failed.