Optional components, Alarms and fault condition, 2 optional components – Detcon SmartWireless CXT User Manual

Page 7: 3 alarms and fault condition

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Sentinel CXT

Sentinel CXT Instruction Manual

Rev. 1.5

Page 3 of 42

Figure 2 provides a complete systematic description of the CXT Controller System with Integration

Associated Accessories
The accessories associated for the CXT Controller product are as follows:
Detcon Tripod
Detcon Battery Charging Accessory
Detcon Division 2 cables (various)
Detcon Programming Magnet
Detcon Operators Manual

1.2 Optional Components

Optional components for the SmartWireless® CXTController are as follows:

 reset switch

 two or four sensor ports

 strobe

 horn

 external ‘Wet’ or ‘Dry’ alarm port

1.3 Alarms and Fault Condition

The CXT alarms are used to activate annunciating devices when a gas reading exceeds a user-configured
threshold. There are three alarms (Alarm1, Alarm2 and Alarm3) and a fault condition. If installed, the
strobe is associated with Alarm 1, and the horn is associated with Alarm2. The external alarm connector
provides all alarm outputs (alarm 1, 2 and 3) for connection to external alarm devices. There are two types
of external alarm connectors: ‘Wet’ and ‘Dry’. The ‘Wet output connector provides 12V outputs for
external alarms. The ‘Dry’ output connector provides dry contacts for external power to control external
alarms. The field configurable user interface permits the user to set alarm values and fault conditions to
cause an assigned relay to fire, triggering external alarm devices. The assigned relay outputs will return to
normal state when a gas alarm or a fault condition clears. When the alarm level is reached either the
devices mounted to the box or attached to the external alarm connector are activated, or both. An external
manual switch can be wired to the CXT, acting as an acknowledge/reset switch (Section 1.12).

When the CXT is in alarm, the display will remain on the channel group with the alarm. The user can
manually cycle to any group page that exists using the arrow switches. After a time out period, the CXT
will resume page cycle protocols based upon the existence of alarms/faults. Four LED indicators on the
front panel show alarm/fault alarm output status and are labeled respectively as ALM 1 (yellow), ALM 2
(yellow), ALM 3 (red), and FAULT (blue).

All alarms can be configured as Energized/De-Energized, Latching/Non-Latching and Silenceable/Non-
Silenceable for the relays.

Energized Mode
The normally open contact is closed if the alarm level has not been reached or if the sensor is not in fault.
Energized mode provides for fail-safe operation since a loss of power or cable failure will cause the contact
to be open.

De-Energized Mode
The normally open contact is open if the alarm level has not been reached or if the sensor is not in fault.