System configuration, System operation, Operator interface – Detcon SmartWireless CXT User Manual

Page 24: Magnetic programming tool, Front panel user interface, 1 system operation, 2 operator interface

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Sentinel CXT

Sentinel CXT Instruction Manual

Rev. 1.5

Page 20 of 42

5. System Configuration

5.1 System Operation

The setup of the controller is critical for proper operation. Modbus™ addresses must be correct on all the
devices connected to the controller before the controller will acknowledge the devices. Each wireless
sensor must have a unique Modbus address (refer to sensor manual for details).

5.2 Operator Interface


Magnetic Programming Tool

The magnetic programming tool (Figure 18) is used to operate the magnetic switches. For switch
activation, the programming magnet is briefly held on the switch marker (

 ) and then removed. This action

will be referred to as a "swipe" for the remainder of this manual.

Figure 18 Magnetic Programming Tool


Front Panel User Interface

The front panel user interface (Figure 19) contains four switches necessary to configure the CXT controller.

S m a r t W i r e l e s s A l a r m & C o n t r o l S y s t e m

Figure 19 Front Panel User Interface

PROG Switch
From the Main Display, the PROG switch enters into the Main Menu. Once inside the Main Menu, the
PROG switch acts as an "Escape" switch that moves backwards in the menu flow chart.


While in Main Menu mode there are no updates to gas readings and hence no alarms will
take place.

Up Arrow Switch