Setup channel data – Detcon RD-64X-N7 User Manual
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RD-64X Operators Manual
Response timeout is the amount of time in milliseconds the RD-64X remote display will wait for a slave
device (controller) to respond to a poll request. Ten missed poll responses will result in the slave device
being declared in COMM ERR. Inter-poll delay is the amount of time in milliseconds the RD-64X remote
display will wait after sending a poll request to an address and before polling the next address. The range
of values for the response timeout is 100-1000 milliseconds and 10-255 milliseconds for the inter-poll
delay. The recommended value for the response timeout is 500 and 150 for the inter-poll delay.
7.3.7 Setup Channel Data
The SETUP CHANNEL DATA menu allows configuration of parameters necessary for monitoring each
device. The parameters set for each channel should match those of the device that the channel is
monitoring. When a sensor or device is being added to the controller, its information will need to be added
or modified in this menu.
The information to be configured is the SLAVE ID, DEVICE TYPE, REGS TO
READ, READING REG, DECIMAL POINT, RANGE and TYPE. Upon entering this menu, the LCD will
A flashing cursor will appear on SLAVE ID. Swiping the magnet over the markers of the up or down
arrows will move the flashing cursor to the desired location. A swipe over the ENTER marker will select
the field indicated by the flashing cursor and the value can be changed by swiping over the markers of the
up or down arrows. Another swipe over the ENTER marker will save the selected value and return to the
flashing cursor.
The SLAVE ID is the Modbus™ address in hex (01-7F) of the controller the RD-64X remote display is
The DEVICE TYPE values available are 140, 240, 440, 840, 12B, 10B, 10C, 880A, 1600A, RD8X,
RD32X, RD64X, MCX, X40 and FM. These values represent various control devices and remote displays.
Choose the appropriate value for the controller type that is being monitored by the RD-64X.
The REGS TO READ value represents the registers to read and the value is dependent on the DEVICE
TYPE selected. This value should not be altered unless directed to do so by Detcon personnel.
The READING REG value represents the reading register and the value is dependent on the DEVICE
TYPE selected. This value should not be altered unless directed to do so by Detcon personnel.
The DECIMAL POINT value can be 0, 1 or 2. It corresponds to the number of digits displayed to the right
of the decimal point of the gas concentration value displayed. Typically, if the sensor range is less than 10,
this value will be ‘2’. If the sensor range is between 10 and 25, then this value will usually be ‘1’. The
DECIMAL POINT value should be ‘0’ if the sensor range is greater than 25.
The RANGE value can be selected from 1-10,000 and corresponds to the gas range value of the sensor.
NOTE: If the range is changed, the alarm levels will have to be reset!
The TYPE value is an alphanumeric string of nine characters and corresponds to the tag that is displayed
with the gas concentration value. This field is normally used to define the gas concentration units and the
gas type. When changing this value, the first alphanumeric character to be modified will be indicated by an
underscore and can be changed by swiping the magnet over the markers of the up or down arrows. A swipe
Model RD-64X Operators Manual
Rev. 0.1
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